Saturday, July 12, 2008

What is the Holy Family Institute?

Who we are
We are Catholic couples, or the widowed, who wish to live our lives in a more consistent, God-oriented way. We draw inspiration from the Holy Family of Nazareth, model, light and source of grace. The goal we set ourselves is the sanctification of married/widowed life and we welcome the gift of consecration by Church-regulated vows of married Chastity, Poverty, and Obedience. We commit ourselves to making Christ's love reign in our hearts and in the hearts of our children.

What we do
We share in the spirituality of the Pauline Family and accomplish our mission as true members of the Family by our presence in the parish community. Depending on the time available, we are involved with Cenacles and Prayer Meetings, we sponsor couples preparing for marriage, help those in difficulty and support life from beginning to end. Many of us, however, devote themselves entirely to their families and home-school their children. We are concerned with the negative influence of the mass-media, but we also recognize their potential for good and we offer our lives for a blessing on media well-used and for God's mercy on famlies damaged by media misuse.

Why we do it
To respond to God's call to holiness by a Church-regulated commitment, and to support His saving action in view of the family.

Taken from the official website of the Holy Family Institute:


Lisa said...

What a surprise to see your blog. Great idea! I'm an HFI member, still in the novitiate. I live in the PNW area. I've never made it back East to the annual Tridum either!

Greg said...


Happy to see your blog. My wife and I just got back from the Triduum. We just made our first renewal. I can't help thinking that St. Paul would be an ardent blogger!

Hope to meet you at the next Triduum.

In Jesus Master,